Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Workout Tips

  Working out is a very important part of my life, and I want to share a few of my tips, pointers and top secrets with you. I'm kidding...they're not really super duper secrets. They're just things that I've found have worked for me and my hope is that if you're searching for some direction when it comes to increasing your fitness, maybe they'll work for you too. 

Find your schedule
  One of the most important things I can stress is to find a schedule that works for you. I'm a morning person. Since I was a little girl I've never really enjoyed sleeping, and 6:30 on a Sunday morning is really late for me. I just naturally don't need a lot of sleep, so it's easy for me to get up early. So naturally, I do my workouts in the mornings. I've been doing it this way since I started consistently working out seven years ago. Several studies have shown that people who exercise in the morning are more likely to continue with their programs versus people who don't, so I definitely recommend giving it a shot if you can. If you can fit your exercise in during your morning, great.....during your lunch break, the evening, awesome! The most important thing is to find the time that works for you and to be consistent with it. Make it a priority as you would anything else in your day, because it's necessary. Your body and your health are important and they shouldn't be forgotten. 

Find your level of fitness
  Another important thing to remember is to find your level of fitness that you're comfortable at. You have to have a starting place, and it's not going to be at the same level as Michael Phelps. Everybody is different and every body is different. You have to find the level that you're comfortable at, but are still pushing yourself. You've got to get your heart rate up. You've got to get a little out of breathe. You've got to push it to get the results! You don't have to be a running superstar. Walking is a great form of exercise, as long as you're pushing yourself at a rate that's getting your heart rate up. If not, your exercise is probably not going to be very effective. 

Get a workout buddy
  Working out with a buddy is not only more fun, but also a great way to be more consistent! When you have someone holding you accountable you're much more likely to not bail. You can also help push each other to a harder level. When I first started working out at the little gym in my hometown I would go at the same time every morning, and there was always the same small group of people there. Without trying we held each other accountable. I don't know about everyone else there, but if I woke up and thought about not going I felt like I had to, because I was afraid they'd worry about me if I didn't show up. We were friends. We held each other accountable to be there. If you need that extra push to get into a workout routine, look for a friend that can be your exercise buddy!

Don't get bored
  My final tip for exercising is to not get bored with your routine. You can't do the exact same thing all the time, especially if you're expecting different results. Isn't that what Albert Einstein says is the definition of insanity?!  You've got to switch up your routine every once in a while. Not only will it prevent you from getting bored with it, but it will also give your body a new challenge. After a period of time with a particular workout your body will get used to it and it will no longer be a challenge. If its not a challenge to your body then you'll stop seeing results. That's when it's time for a change. For an example, if you've been speed walking for exercise, try jogging for 3 minutes and then walking for 5, and alternate that routine for the duration of your workout. The jogging will boost up the challenge for your body and will throw something new into the mix to keep it exciting!

  If you have a question about exercising or are looking for advise on getting starting on a healthy track, please contact me at I'd love to answer your questions and offer advise that I may have!

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