has always been a little flip-floppy with his weight. He lost about 25
pounds right before we got married and then he gained it back. He says
its because he's married to such a great cook, and it was happy weight.
He also told me that he thinks a lot of people are kinda depressed when
they're overweight, but he never felt that way. He was always happy. But
that's T. He's an extremely happy guy. He doesn't let things bring him
down. He stresses about nothing. Me, on the other hand....well, I stress
enough for the both of us....and probably half of the neighborhood!
always told T that I don't care what he looks like. I just want him to
be healthy. As I told you in previous posts, both my mother and
grandmother passed away at early ages from cancer, and I want to break
that cycle. Well, in T's family, a lot of the men are affected with Type
2 Diabetes. I just always tell him that if I'm going to fight to live
forever, I want him living forever with me!
the past, T has gotten serious about his diet and fitness, but the
seriousness has fizzled out within a few weeks. But not this time! Some
kind of crazy bug has bitten my husband and his results have been
amazing! He's been extremely dedicated for the past 10 weeks or so, and he's lost over 25 pounds. Yes girls, let's all have a moment of anger towards men and how quickly they can lose weight! GRRRR!! Ok, we're moving on.
This was T last summer during a trip to Colorado.
T about a year ago.
has started working out on a daily basis and he now feels guilty if he
doesn't do some type of exercise every day. He's also measuring,
weighing and recording everything that he eats. I promise you people,
that is the way to do it if you're trying to get results! It's amazing
once you start measuring and weighing your food. You gain a
perspective of what a true portion is!
Here's a recent picture of T, after a 25 pound weight loss. What a studly guy!
I couldn't be more proud of T and the healthy lifestyle that he has chosen to follow. We've got forever to look forward to!
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