Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What's that on your arm??

    So, I get several weird looks and stares, given the thing that I wear on my left tricep. A few brave souls have even ventured to ask me what it is. Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is a Bodymedia Fit Armband.

  I wear it 24/7 except for when I'm showering, because it doesn't like the water. This little baby has sensors on the inside that press up against my skin and constantly take measurements. With those measurements it's able to determine how many calories I'm burning, how many steps I'm taking, my vigorous and moderate activity, and even my sleep patterns. All of these are very important components to a healthy lifestyle, especially if you're trying to lose weight.
    To get your results you sync your Bodymedia with your computer and it uploads your data to an online management program. If you're like me and you're too curious to wait until you're near your computer to upload your data, they do have a handy dandy display device that you can sync minute-by-minute with, and get the most up to date information. 
    I will tell you that I have not always had a Bodymedia. I've actually only had my device for about 3-4 months. I mainly got it because I've just always been curious. I wanted to know how many calories I'm burning during the day and during my workouts. 
    I will also tell you that I was not paid to do this blog post, although that would have be awesome, because this is a pretty stellar review! And, just a little secret if you're thinking about getting a device like this.....check out Ebay.....way cheaper than buying directly from the manufacturer. ;-)
   The Bodymedia is an amazing device, especially if you're currently trying to lose weight. It can be very hard to lose weight, especially if you're not sure how many calories you're burning. This device keeps you in check. If you're struggling with meeting your weight loss goals, consider looking into one of these devices. I find that I push myself harder because I want to meet my daily goals that I've set for myself, and this helps me do that!
Even T is sporting one!!

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