Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday Funnies

I'm sure you've all seen the funny Black Friday images. Just thought I'd share one I found.

Happy shopping everyone!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving and don't give up on me.....

  Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I can't believe that it's already Thanksgiving. Due to some recent craziness (yeah, I'm gonna cover that) the holiday has really snuck up on me!

  I've been planning on writing this post for awhile. I know that I was doing really great when I started this blog about two months ago. Many of you enjoyed reading my many weekly posts, along with my Motivational Mondays and Friday Funnies...and then, the past week or two it's been like the crickets chirping.....The Life of a Ginger Warrior fell off a hill somewhere! Where did she go!!?? I want to apologize to all of you. My life has been pure craziness, and the blog has suffered. But I want to share with y'all all the craziness and excitement that has been going on!

  First topic of craziness! I've had my Mom's cookbooks reprinted!

   As many of you many remember, I featured my Mom's cookbook in an earlier post,
   My Mom's cookbook was originally published 13 years ago, shortly after she passed away from cancer. We only had a small number printed the first time, and they quickly sold out, so for 13 years people have been asking my family how they could get their hands on another copy! So...I decided to take a leap of faith and have them reprinted. I now have 500 copies sitting in my guest room, and am praying they sell!

   I've sold a little over 50 copies in about two weeks, and I'm going to be selling them at a big event in my hometown this weekend. If you're interested in getting one, please contact me at the email that's under my Contact Me tab.
   Ok, next topic of craziness! T and I are moving! In four weeks! Crazy! So....we've always known that our home wouldn't be our "forever home." We had kinda thought that we'd stay here until we had kids and then move before they started school, so that they'd go to better schools. rates are freaking amazing right now!! was a good time, financial, for we figured, why not? We talked to a friend of ours, who's a realtor and decided to list our house on the market. We spent about a week just tidying up and staging a few things. Last Thursday night (so a week ago) our house went on the market. On Saturday we had our first showings. Saturday afternoon we got an offer, over our asking price. Sunday we entered into the contract. Monday we went to look at new homes. Tuesday we made a decision on a new home. And, yesterday, we made a offer and signed a contract on a new home! Um....yeah, CRAZY!! We are SO excited! We never anticipated it happening this fast, but we're so excited.
  So, again I want to apologize for just falling off the side of a cliff when it comes to keeping up with my blog. I will really try harder throughout the next several weeks as I get ready for our move. And as we get into our new home I will definitely get back into the swing of blogging a lot more! Thank you for not giving up on me!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday Funnies

This is too cute!! So, I know it's not my puppy, Molly, in the picture, but it might as well be....because this is completely her personality!! Have a great Friday everyone!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Motivational Monday

I love this. I think it's so important to remember to stand up for what you believe in, even if it's not the popular thing. 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Funnies

Heaven knows my future children will probably be like this!
Happy Friday everyone!

Yay! Look what I did!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What's that on your arm??

    So, I get several weird looks and stares, given the thing that I wear on my left tricep. A few brave souls have even ventured to ask me what it is. Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is a Bodymedia Fit Armband.

  I wear it 24/7 except for when I'm showering, because it doesn't like the water. This little baby has sensors on the inside that press up against my skin and constantly take measurements. With those measurements it's able to determine how many calories I'm burning, how many steps I'm taking, my vigorous and moderate activity, and even my sleep patterns. All of these are very important components to a healthy lifestyle, especially if you're trying to lose weight.
    To get your results you sync your Bodymedia with your computer and it uploads your data to an online management program. If you're like me and you're too curious to wait until you're near your computer to upload your data, they do have a handy dandy display device that you can sync minute-by-minute with, and get the most up to date information. 
    I will tell you that I have not always had a Bodymedia. I've actually only had my device for about 3-4 months. I mainly got it because I've just always been curious. I wanted to know how many calories I'm burning during the day and during my workouts. 
    I will also tell you that I was not paid to do this blog post, although that would have be awesome, because this is a pretty stellar review! And, just a little secret if you're thinking about getting a device like this.....check out Ebay.....way cheaper than buying directly from the manufacturer. ;-)
   The Bodymedia is an amazing device, especially if you're currently trying to lose weight. It can be very hard to lose weight, especially if you're not sure how many calories you're burning. This device keeps you in check. If you're struggling with meeting your weight loss goals, consider looking into one of these devices. I find that I push myself harder because I want to meet my daily goals that I've set for myself, and this helps me do that!
Even T is sporting one!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Motivational Monday-Courtesy of T

Today's Motivational Monday is courtesy of T. He sent it to me last week and told me that it'd be great for today. I agreed and told him I'd use it! 

It's a great reminder to not give up!

Friday, November 2, 2012