Monday, July 29, 2013

Take a chance

So, did I tell y'all that I'm a softball superstar?! Okay, so maybe not a superstar, but I did manage to make it through my first season without getting kicked off the team. More about that later.

T is a huge baseball fan, and as long as I've known him he's always played softball on various leagues. He joined a new league this spring and was placed on a team with other people that he didn't know. He really liked the league and decided that he wanted to form his own team of friends for the summer season. He convinced me to play, even though I assured him that I wasn't good. I played one season of little league softball and after taking a ball to the head was done, and hadn't played since.

I made T promise that he'd kick me off the team if I was doing too badly and was bringing the team down. I also tried to convince him that I'd play as long as I never had to bat and I didn't have to play catcher, because I was afraid I'd get hit with the bat. He told me I'd have to bat, but we never discussed the catcher request. 

Now, let me tell y'all, I started the season off pretty badly. I struck out pretty much every time I'd go up to bat and I wasn't the best fielder. During our second or third game of the season T stunned me by telling me to go in as the catcher. I about slapped him right there on the field! I did not want to play catcher! I did as my husband/coach said, and went in. Well now you better not try and put me in another position, because I love playing catcher! I have been hit by the bat and have taken several balls to the shoulder, stomach and shins. The shins part is mainly my fault. I've discovered that I tend to stop the ball by kicking it with my shin, rather than holding out my glove. Oh well.....I've got some awesome bruises to show off. 

The batting has been a work in progress. I started the season striking out, and in our last game hit the ball every time I was up to bat. They're not great hits......but a hit's a hit. 

Moral of the story: give something a chance....even if you're scared or don't think you'll be very good at it. 

Our team made it to the playoffs this season and our next season starts this Sunday. I'm excited all ready! Plus, the bruises are only looking good on my left leg. I need to give the right leg some decoration too.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Motivational Monday

I'm posting this picture with many thoughts in mind. Today is Monday and I'm starting with a clean slate. Today is the first day of a new workout program for me. I've been doing Turbo Fire since last August, and have finally purchased a new program. Today is my first day of Focus T25. Check it out here:
I'm also really going to start focusing on the food that I'm putting into my body. I'm so sick of having a bad day of eating and then having feelings of guilt. It's so much easier, physically and emotionally, to just eat right! Today is a new day!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Oh Snap!

  So, I know that I've talked about it before and I'm pretty sure that months ago I promised a post on the subject....and here it is....finally! My hubby is an amazing photographer. I know I'm biased because I kinda like the guy, but he really is awesome! He is completely self taught and I've loved watching his work get better and better over the years.

  I have always loved photography. When I was a little girl I considered looking at pictures to be one of my hobbies. Not sure if that really falls under the category of "Hobbies" but I was kinda a strange little kid. You could often times find me sitting on the living room floor, thumbing through our family photo albums. My Mom took a lot of pictures! I've always wanted to get into taking photos, but just never did....until now! I have no excuse or reason not to be able to pick up the hobby now. T and I have two fancy cameras, so now is the time.

  I've helped T photograph events in the past. He's done several weddings, and it really helps to have two photographers because there's so much going on. However, my photos are not always the best.

  I've really been trying to take a lot more pictures lately. There's no way to get better if I'm not practicing. For the past several posts I've only been using my DSLR versus my cell phone camera. I'm not sure if any of you have noticed a slight improvement in the quality of my pictures, but now I fully expect to receive millions of comments about my awesome skills. I kid, I don't have to say anything....until I get really good!

  Here's a few of the hubby's awesome pics. Y'all can comment on his skills......

  T recently formed a group here in San Antonio for people that are interested in photography and last week we had our first event. We just spent some time downtown, taking pics. Here's a few of mine....

  I only hope that one day I can be half as good as T, when it comes to my photography.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

Motivational Mondays

I love this because the statement is so encouraging and because there's giraffes in the pictures. I have a slight obsession with giraffes. :)