Fear not my friends, for I am alive and well. I know that you've all just been sitting on pins and needles for the past two months, waiting for my return. Ok...so maybe not. But, nevertheless I am back and hope to return to blogging on a regular basis.
So, we are finally in our new home! We moved in, exactly four weeks ago. Selling and buying a house at the same time is definitely an experience that I'm not ready to go through again anytime soon. It was an emotional roller coaster with so many twists and turns. Major props go out to T for dealing with me, who towards the end was becoming quite a little upset.
But, all that is behind us now and we are so happy, excited and blessed to be in our new home! It's a much newer home, in a better neighborhood and has all the updated features that we always wanted to do in our first home, but never could.
Hands down, my favorite room is the kitchen! I love to cook, so that was a pretty easy one. But our kitchen is awesome. We have tons of cabinets and drawers (something we didn't have at our first home) and there's several that I don't even have anything in! There's granite counter tops (AHHHH!). And, the kitchen is huge. Our old kitchen was big, but horribly laid out and had almost no cabinets or counter space. I absolutely love our new kitchen. Another huge feature that I love about the kitchen is that it's completely open to the living room. This was probably my number one must-have in our new home, and it couldn't be any better. I love it!

With our first home we always had a million projects that we wanted to do, but with this home everything is already updated. There is one thing that I can't wait to change. I love everything about our new home.....except one thing. When we bought our new home there was one thing that I didn't like, and when I say didn't like, I mean really didn't like. I shed tears over this. Probably because I cry at the drop of a hat and tend to be a bit too emotional. Bless my husband for dealing with me. The funny thing is that you're going to laugh so hard when I tell you what it is that I don't like about our new home. Ready?? A wall. Yes, a wall. The wall separates the front of the house, where there's a small sitting area and formal dining room from the back of the house where the family room and kitchen are. We knew going into this home that we would want to make a change to it and we should have it done within the next two weeks, and I couldn't be happier. A remodeler/contractor is going to turn the wall into a half wall and it will completely open up the space. We don't want to completely take out the wall because the separation of the two areas is nice and if we took out the whole wall we'd have to re-do our floors, which would majorly increase the cost!
View of the wall from the formal dining side. | | | |
View of the wall from the family room side. |
I'm sorry it's been so long since I've blogged. I promise to try and get back into the swing of things now that all the craziness has settled down.